Nora David Jewelry does not sell items manufactured or licensed by any famous designer.
Disclaimer, Nora David Jewelry is not a manufacturer; we are reseller of the high quality jewelry. Even though many of the products sold on our site may look similar to those sold by famous designers, they are not made by any famous designer.
Disclaimer, Nora David Jewelry searched around the world to find quality products at the best prices possible. Our products may look a lot like products made by famous designers. It is the intention of this site to not only ensure that our buyers are aware that our products are not designer items, but only designer inspired products, but our intent is also to make these products available to our customers at affordable prices.
Disclaimer, The images that appear on this website contain the actual products we sell and not products from any other site including designer websites. We create our own product images and assemble our own advertisements. We do this to ensure there is no confusion between our products and products that they may look like that have been designed by a famous designer.